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Małopolska Anti-Crisis Shield

Małopolska Anti-Crisis Shield

How do I cope with the negative economical consequences of pandemia restrictions to tourism industry? Partly thanks to the Małopolska Anti-Crisis Shield which distributes the European Union subsidies.

You probably realise that because of pandemia guides and tour leaders can’t work at all. We had literally a few tourists last summer. However throughout the whole year for most of the time we didn’t work at all.

You can easily lose your mind when you are deprived of your beloved work, contact with people and opportunity to earn money. They say intelligent people never get bored. I could find many things to do in my free time. There has never been so much free time in my life. But still I didn’t get bored at all. I took up crafts and started to create macrames.

But what about money? Let’s be honest: hardly anybody can survive a year without income.

To my surprise our governamant helped me a lot. I know that many people had difficulties with receiving subsidies from government or local authorities. But fortunately I met all the requirements and achieved significant help.

One of the forms of help is provided by local authorities which distribute funds from the European Union.

My company Monika’s Travel participates in the project implemented by the Malopolskie Voivodeship – Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości – “Małopolska Anti-Crisis Shield – entrepreneurship package” – the purpose of which is to provide support to entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises sector in the Małopolskie Voivodeship affected by COVID-19. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Developement Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

The company received a grant in the amount of PLN 9,000.

Firma Monika’s Travel Monika Pazera uczestniczy w projekcie realizowanym przez Województwo Małopolskie – Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości “Małopolska Tarcza Antykryzysowa – pakiet przedsiębiorczość”, którego celem jest udzielenie wsparcia poszkodowanym przez COVID-19 przedsiębiorcom z sektora MŚP z województwa małopolskiego.

Projekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Małopolskiego na lata 2014-2020.

Firma otrzymała grant w wysokości: 9 000 pln.