Nowa Huta active tour gives you opportunity to visit an exceptional district of Kraków. It was built in the 50’s as an ideal communist town. Of course reality was different from the communist ideals. In fact Nowa Huta became a cradle of Solidarity opposition in Kraków. Nevertheless, you can still admire here communist urban planning and social realist architecture.
We invite you for a Nowa Huta active tour which provides lots of surprises and amusement. First of all we will unvail for you what was communist regime. Life in the communist period was completely different. People had to struggle with lots of difficulties. That is why we want to tell you what was the commie reality for an avarage person.
Communist regime invested a lot of money to built antiaircrafts bunkers. They created an underground city. Because recently they were opened to public, we can show you some of them. It is also possible to see a real tank during our walk.
But apart from delving into history we offer you additional activities. We will walk up Wanda mound. This is prehistorical burial site. It associates with many legends and could be used by ancient astronomers. We can also have an adventure while kayaking on local river Dłubnia. it is not big nor challanging but it offers some good fun.